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Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

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You Did It..Al is Off to NYC

Saturday, 7th December

Well done Propellerists, and a massive thank you. We crowd funded enough to send Al Disley on his dream University research trip to New York next year.

We were so successful, we have even raised enough to bring him back to the UK too 🙂

Al is a stalwart of the club, and he documents us and all our meetings. So it is very special for us to have all dug deep to make this happen. Al didn’t actually have a passport until this year, so it really is a big deal.

None of this would have happened without you, but also the driving force of Sue Henney to herd us, and drive us along to always be the best and most generous we can be with, what the Greeks would term, her force of storgé. Nice one Sue!

We are sure Al will share amazing photos with us on his return, but in the meantime I am sure we all wish him a fantastic trip!