Friday, 5th June
We have been checking in with our corporate supporters, to see how business is going and to find out what the path ahead looks like So what does Mike Williams, MD of MIRIS International think?
Brief history of the company. – Established in 2011 bringing to the security industry a meticulous risk management consultancy specialising in the Maritime and corporate sectors. Operated in over 37 countries providing security risk management in some of the most complex environments globally.
How is business at the moment? 2020 and the onset of the C19 pandemic has brought its challenges but fortunately not as a result of a downturn in tasking, on the contrary, we have never been so busy but staffing, travel and restrictions has been the main area of concern which has resulted in a new approach to ‘how we do things’ and a steep learning curve which has been a challenge.
Have there been any benefits to come from the current crisis? Apart from the obvious respect for the planet a chance for it to breathe and have a break from human impact not least pollution of the seas and air, risk exists everywhere and never more so as a result of the crisis, new risks have required a new approach which MIRIS has tackled head on.
What have you learned about business during COVID-19? Travel, unnecessary meetings and the time taken to achieve tasks has been the biggest lesson for us. Online Teams/zoom is the new meeting point, if managed well and direct lots can be achieved without great expense on the 0700 bullet from Liverpool to London or the mass emissions used to get somewhere for an hour meeting which often is a waste of time, money and fuel.
What is the best thing about doing business in Liverpool? It’s a fantastic city with great people who generally have a ‘can do’ attitude. Plus the river is becoming cleaner with porpoises and other sea life starting to arrive ?
What are you most looking forward to when life edges back to normal? Well I’m NOT looking forward to the litter which has started already becoming probably the biggest negative of the city. Bring back whipping for those who throw their litter on the street (phew needed to get that off my chest) looking forward to hopefully continuing at the same pace we have become accustomed to. But on a serious note, being able to hug the people I love especially close family and friends, soppy I know but true ?
To find out more, see https://www.miris-int.com/