Sunday, 20th March
We were shocked and horrified by the appalling treatment meted out by P£O Ferries to their loyal workforce. The tactics used, the lack of respect, zero consideration for wider safety issues, and the trampling on years of loyal and excellent service shook us to our core.
Shipping is a cutthroat, uber commercial and tough world – but even to a backdrop of dreadful treatment, this really did show owners, employers, and recruitment agents (and handcuff trained security personnel) in a terrible light.
We at Propeller Club Liverpool stand in solidarity with those who have lost their jobs, and we attended demonstrations at Liverpool docks to show our support. We also wanted to do something positive to help, but what?
As such, we have decided to welcome any seafarers made redundant by P£O Ferries to a year’s free Propeller Club Liverpool membership. We know it is just a tiny gesture, but it is one that we hope sends a message of support, of compassion, and of wishing to help.
We would ask that any former P£O Ferries staff email us, propellerclubliverpool@gmail.com give your name, rank, and state that you were serving with the company. Also any potential areas of the maritime industry that you might like to explore for future careers. We will then build a database of support and contacts, and we hope that may translate into some potential future roles and development.
We will also welcome P£O seafarers to our First Thursday networking, just drop us a line if you intend to join the event – so we can keep track of numbers.
Hopefully the industry can rally to the cause, some better decisions may be made, and some future options can emerge – until then, we offer this free years membership as a token of our esteem and respect for those who have lost their careers and livelihoods in such a despicable manner.
Remember, email propellerclubliverpool@gmail.com and we will do all we can to help