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Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

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Flying the Red Ensign Proudly

Sunday, 3rd September

Happy #MerchantNavyDay to you! A day to look back to remember the past sacrifices of those within the Merchant Navy, but also to look to the present and future.

Today we can hopefully stir in others the same pride and recognition of the importance of the sea, of ships…and of seafarers.

It is fantastic that so many public buildings are raising the Red Ensign, this is a chance to (literally and metaphorically), fly the flag. That is important, it shows we exist, and allows a point of discussion with those perhaps ignorant of how 95% of trade around them happens.

Hopefully, we can get the message out that our standards of living would be eroded without the Merchant Navy, and would live in a lesser world if it wasn’t for the hard work, dedication, bravery, stoicism and strength shown by our seafarers, and the vast and vital industry which underpins them.

Fly your Red Ensigns proudly.