Monday, 8th March

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality.
Marked annually on March 8th, International Women’s Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about women’s equality, lobby for accelerated gender parity, fundraise for female-focused charities.
It is also a time of reflection, to think about the importance of women in our lives – be they personal or professional. For Propeller Club Liverpool, we simply would not and could not exist without the women who are the power, drive, energy and vision behind everything that we do.
We are a network founded on very strong and fundamental ideals of inclusion and acceptance – all we look for is a passion for maritime, and nothing else matters. We do not see race, gender, or sexuality as any kind of issue at all.
Anyway, back to the women who make us what we are. Our X chromosome is so powerfully entrenched in our Club DNA that it even feels odd to think of the differences between our members. Perhaps that is easier because from top to bottom, women are completely, fully and wonderfully engaged in everything we do.
It is hard, and perhaps not right to single people out – but we do so to celebrate, to hammer home the message of inclusivity and respect, adoration and pride in the women who shaped and continue to shape us. So a massive Propeller Club Liverpool thank you to Sue Henney who as Port Secretary is the anchor around which so much of what we do is achieved. To Anneley Pickles, the person who devised First Thursday and who as Treasurer runs us as a super efficient venture and who heads up our membership. To Holly Bibby, Lin Cotton, Kate Buckley Birmingham, who tirelessly work to translate all we dream of doing into reality.
Thank you to Anna Kaparaki (one of the 100 Most Important Women in Shipping) and Dr Robyn Pyne – who have changed our entire relationship with Liverpool John Moores University, a link which gives reason to our existence, and students for us to interact with. While Hazel Sivori too, gives us insight into cutting edge thinking on maritime matters. There is Charlotte Morton, who brings her CMA CGM colleagues into the fray, and provides a hugely important link to industry.
Debbie Simpkins, who first met us when she was learning “Turbo Networking” techniques, and who is the friendly face of logistics and freight! A huge thank you to the artist Claire McCarthy, who supports the Club and acts as a wonderful link between the arts and all that we do, while
Maria Checkland provides a valued voice on charities and the importance of working to improve life for others…and some fascinating insight into trapeze artistry. While Louise McWatt is always on hand to provide advice and guidance on our public relations and communications, and Rachel Glyn-Williams to ensure our mental wellbeing. We even have women from London who do so much to shape our club, so Namrata Nadkarni, Mairéad Ní Cheóinín, Caitlin Vaughan, Maria Dixon and Karen Martin we salute you.
With our events often attended by Amy O’Neil, Anastasia Kohanuka, Shula Jones, Debbie Black, Vicky Prince, Rachel Hoyland, Steph Whitehead, Laura O’Donnell and Annette Parker, who all bring such important and wonderful industry insight and experience to share with our members, guests and visitors. We even get the occasional visit from the wonderful women who make Mersey Maritime tick, with Ruth Wood and Suzanne Fulton flying the flag, and Pamela Brown who is the voice of so many maritime organisations in the city.
From satellite communications to boatbuilding, maritime law and marine insurance, art and heritage, PR and psychology, recruitment to research, the women who make Propeller Club Liverpool what it is and will continue to shape the future, are the guiding lights of our industry, our club and our profession. We are nothing without them, and would not even want to exist if we weren’t linked to the skills, knowledge, passion, connections and positivity which these women bring.
On International Women’s Day we loudly salute you all and the many others who have done so much to support us, but be assured on the other 364 days, we are just quietly in awe of you, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
See https://www.internationalwomensday.com/ to find out more.