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Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

Promoting the very best in shipping

Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

Membership of the Propeller Club is open to all with a desire to promote the maritime industry.

Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

Meet some of shipping's finest

Join Propeller Club Liverpool

The real life shipping social network

Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

A revolution in social networking

Join Propeller Club Liverpool

The local shipping community with global links

All aboard the Kathleen and May

Thursday, 21st July


The Propeller Club Liverpool summer spectacular was held on the tall ship Kathleen and May – thanks to our good friends at Sherrington Associates.

SHcartoonA great turn out – and there was much networking done, some beverages consumed, nibbles nibbled and everyone seemed to have a jolly old time. There was even a cartoonist on hand to capture the beautiful shipping people while they partied.

The Kathleen and May was just about to head off to Bristol for the tall ship festival – so we were pleased to give her a traditional wet Propeller Club send off.

Next First Thursday is 4th August – back in Rococo – we look forward to seeing you there.