Saturday, 28th September
Maritime History North (MHN), has forwarded the attached finalised programme for their next Conference on 28 September 2019, which is to be held at The Forum Studio, in Barrow.
WARSHIPS, LINERS, SUBMARINES AND THE MAYFLY AIRSHIP: ALL BUILT AT BARROW – an expert look at the incredible vessels which have emerged from the yards and workforce of this most maritime of towns.
See flyer for details: MHN Programme 27 May 2019
Unlike all their other conferences, tickets must be obtained directly from the Forum, details on the attached programme. Tickets are £17.50 each including a £1 booking fee and may also be obtained by phoning the box office on 01229 820000 or in person in Barrow. Tickets may be collected on the day, which will avoid postage charges, but – no ticket, no admittance! Note that you must also advise any dietary requirements at the time of booking.
Parking is available on the day. Please see the notes on the programme.
Accommodation in Barrow, if required, is easily available…