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Battle of the Atlantic Conference

Friday, 25th May

Our good friends at Maritime History North are hosting their spring conference in Liverpool – the theme this year will be the Battle of the Atlantic.

The focus of the day will be on some of the people and organisations who were at the forefront of the battle and the impact of the battle on the City of Liverpool .
9.00-9.40 Coffee and registration
Opening Address by Captain R M Eddleston OBE RD* RNR

  • The History and Background of the Western Approaches Museum
    Dean Paton FRSA CEO “Big Heritage”
  • An overview of the Battle of the Atlantic
    Professor Eric Groves FRHistSoc FSNR
  • Doenitz-the Scourge of the Atlantic
    Captain Iain Moffatt RD DL RNR
  • Escort Group B7 and three critical convoys in Spring 1941
    Vice Admiral Mike Gretton CB CVO
    Lunch and tours of the Western Approaches Museum. Films and slides kindly loaned by Merseyside Maritime Museum will be screened.
  • A Leader for his Time – Captain F J Walker CB DSO*** RN
    Captain Patrick Walker CBE RN
  • The Battle of the Atlantic through the eyes of an Airman
    Sqdn Ldr John Cairns RAF
  • Merchant Crews at War
    Steven Jones FRSA
  • Liverpool – a City in the Front Line
    Peter Elson Maritime writer and broadcaster
  • Closing address and the Battle of the Atlantic Memorial
    Vice Admiral Mike Gretton CB CVO

4.45 Close

The conference will be held at the Western Approaches Museum in Rumford Street,(250 yds up Chapel Street from St Nicholas’ Church). There is a small NCP car park opposite the Museum but the underqround “Q “ parks are much larger and less expensive. The Museum is a 15 min walk/5min taxi from Lime Street Station and a 5 min walk from Moorfields.
Tickets prices: £40 to include tea/coffee and a finger buffet lunch . Students £20 Tickets are obtainable from the Western Approaches Museum reception,or by telephone 0151 227 2008 or : .

Members of M H N ,SNR ,Maritime Reserves and all associated Liverpool based maritime organisations should contact Lt Cdr A Telfer on Tel:0790 706 0554
There is limited space at the Museum,tickets must be booked in advance and will not be on sale at the Museum on the day.

If you have any stories, anecdotes, or materials which could be useful or interested relating especially to merchant navy crews during the war we would love to hear from you – but hope you can get along to the event.