Join Propeller Club Liverpool

Build your International maritime network.

Join the real life social network

From events to training come join us

Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

Promoting the very best in shipping

Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

Membership of the Propeller Club is open to all with a desire to promote the maritime industry.

Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

Meet some of shipping's finest

Join Propeller Club Liverpool

The real life shipping social network

Welcome to Propeller Club Liverpool

A revolution in social networking

Join Propeller Club Liverpool

The local shipping community with global links

And They’re Off…to the Races

Friday, 12th July

An informal evening social event for anyone who fancies it. A number of Propellerists are off to Chester Races for the Friday 12th July evening meeting. First race is 1730, and we will be gathering on the Open Course.

Sure to be lots of fun, hi-jinks…and who will be the winners? Well we all will be. So come along – email us on to find out our movements, or you can follow us on Twitter @propellerists or just give us a call.