Monday, 17th February
Are you a seafaring veteran or their family member? If so, we’d love you to get in touch and share your story. You are at the heart of our work, so we’d like you to take centre stage in our new Seafarers UK Veterans Appeal.. As part of this year’s VE Day 75 commemorations in May, we are launching our Veterans Appeal in April to raise funds in support of seafaring veterans and their families.
The role of those who served in the Merchant Navy or Fishing Fleet during WW2 continues to be misunderstood – to mark VE Day 75, we want to share your stories and memories with the nation. We want to raise awareness about the tremendous contribution you or your family member have made to keeping our nation safe.
Have you got a wartime story to tell? Would you like to share a memory of someone who served alongside you? Have you got a photo of your service days? If you are a Royal Navy, Merchant Navy, Royal Fleet Auxiliary or Fishing Fleet veteran or their family member, please send us your stories, photographs and any memorabilia that you’re happy for us to share with the nation as part of our Veterans Appeal.*
And if you have been supported by a maritime charity, we’d love to know whether the help you received had a positive effect on your life. Your experiences could help us reach out to veterans who may not be aware of the support that’s available to them and
their families.
Send your story and photographs to us no later than 28 February in the envelope provided. Alternatively, you can email them to us at or call us on 020 7932 0000 for more details.